George Postrozny
Offering a diverse selection of hand-woven rugs, including their own rugs inspired by Native American weaving traditions, Tahoe Rug Studio has provided authentic designs for mountain homes since 1997. The company’s longtime success is a result of over 20 years of experience and the vision of owner George Postrozny.
Growing up in suburban Chicago, Postrozny was exposed to and fascinated by unique rugs early in life. His appreciation for the craft continued into adulthood and he began buying old tribal rugs while on a hiking trip in Asia in 1985. He moved to the Carson City/Lake Tahoe area of Nevada in 1980 and currently lives in Reno, Nevada.
“My attraction to tribal Asian rugs began when I was growing up in the age of wall-to-wall carpet which all my friends’ homes had,” Postrozny explained. “This impression stayed with me. I first read a book on Oriental rugs (thank you Charles Jacobsen) in high school to learn about these mysterious rugs and, after college, began to collect and read much of the literature about them.”
Following law school, Postrozny gradually got involved in the Oriental rug business. He began working and collecting antique central Asian textiles and developed relationships with various dealers of the day. When it became known that he was planning a hiking trip to Pakistan, they encouraged him to search for old rugs in the bazaars of Peshawer and Quetta during the Soviet war in Afghanistan.
“So I started sourcing rugs in the bazaars of central Asia in 1985, sometimes with disastrous results, while I continued to work as a governmental lawyer until 1991 before committing fulltime to import and wholesale of oriental rugs, both old and new,” he said.
In 1997, Postrozny opened a rug showroom at Lake Tahoe which now serves the interior design community in the region.
“I was largely encouraged to create my American Classics collection by the many designers who work in the area who wanted good, rugged, hand-knotted rugs in large sizes in non-Oriental, mountain home styles for their second homeowner clientele,” Postrozny explained.
Postrozny also pointed out that what he finds so fascinating about the Native American weaving traditions is “how the design pool woven for textiles to be worn as clothing translates so effectively into large floor rugs.”
He added, “The Navajo weaving tradition serves as the indigenous foundation for this authentically American style. I am inspired to create these rugs more by my ‘builder’ instincts rather ‘artistic’ instincts and try to make the best rug that I can.”
Over the last 17 years, Postrozny has met and worked with a diverse assortment of people which he said is what he appreciates most about his profession.
“I enjoy the wonderful range of people that I have met and become friends with over the years and all over the world,” he noted. “While sourcing and producing rugs I am graced by the opportunity to work with the products of such timeless artisans who create so much beauty in such humble circumstances.”
Although Postrozny is located in Reno and his business is headquartered in Tahoe City, he has happily maintained a longtime relationship with Larry and Jane of The Scarab.
“I have known Larry and Jane since 2009 when I introduced my American Classics to them and enjoy working with them because of their respect for the products they represent and their professional relationship both with their suppliers and their customers,” he said.
The full line of Tahoe Rug Studio’s American Classics is represented at The Scarab.
View The Scarab's selection of rugs by Khyber Pass.
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